
Friday, March 28, 2008

Psuedo-scientific Scaremongering

Have you heard the latest! Get this. Two guys that live in Hawaii have sued in Federal court to slow down the new Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project pending further review of "safety" concerns that they have. The interesting thing is that the LHC is being built in Europe on the Swiss-French border. Apparently because the LHC's magnets were built by Fermilab in the US, these pseudo-scientific scaremongers are able to get a hearing on their suit in a US court.

The LHC is a major international science project that will allow physicists to expand their knowledge of the first moments of the universe, why some particles have mass and others don't, and perhaps provide supporting or contradictory evidence for the current standard model of elementary particles.

These two clowns in Hawaii are using the same tactic that the anti-nuclear nuts have used for many years in the US of raising red-herring safety concerns to delay projects indefinitely. The Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository is a classic example.

The sad part is that even though there is absolutely no evidence that these "safety concerns" are legit, our legal system seems unable or unwilling to cut these tactics off at the pass as frivolous and without merit. This seems to be a uniquely US problem. In no other industrialized nation can dopey doomsayers stand in the way of a project like the LHC that will have enormous value to the international scientific community.

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