
Monday, March 31, 2008


As you know from my earlier posts, one of my pet peeves is the lack of critical scientific thinking on the part of the vast majority of those that report in the media. They frequently report on the most sensational claims without comment or criticism and thereby either intentionally or out of ignorance give them credibility.

There are exceptions to this and for the record I would like to mention three people who are valiantly fighting the battle for truth and rational thinking.

The first is Steve Milloy. Steve writes the Junk Science column for Fox news and is always working to expose hypocrisy and inaccuracy in the mainstream science reporting and agenda driven "scientists" that misrepresent facts in support of their political or policy objectives.

Second hats off to John Stossel of ABC News. I love the way he debunks commonly held beliefs by simply reporting the facts and creating the proper context for them to be understood.

My third hero in my quest for truth and justice in science reporting is Michael Shermer who writes the Skeptic column in Scientific American.

I recommend them all and only wish we had many more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I totally agree with you about Milloy and Stossel (I haven't read Shermer.) Junk science is the enemy of good decision making, and the fuel that fires class action lawyers stealing billions of dollars from productive society.

Keep up the good work.