
Monday, August 11, 2008

The Liberal MSM and Maureen Dowd in particular

Where to begin? We all know very well that the MSM is in the pocket of the Democrats if not the most extreme liberal wing of that party (e.g. MSNBC and most especially Chris Matthews). It is a proven fact that most MSM reporters are registered as Democrats so this bias is not a surprise.

What prompts me to take keyboard in hand for today's blog is the outrageous column by Maureen Dowd that ran in the August 11, 2008 edition of the Houston Chronicle. Unbelievably she attempts to excuse the philandering of democrats Edwards, Clinton and Spitzer (echos of Ted Kenndy anyone?) as a mere artifact of their narcissistic super-striver personalities. Where is the outrage from the feminist community?? As evidenced by this op-ed, nowhere is answer. They will not cut off their nose to spite their face.

To be fair to Ms. Dowd she clearly frowns on this behavior, but here's where she went off the tracks. Since she couldn't find any such dirt GWB, she made the unbelievable stretch of moral and personality failing equivalency (at least in her mind) that GWB was just as bad because he turned over his presidency to Cheney. Can you believe it!?

This is all part of the liberal MSM's attempt to portray GWB as puppet (since he clearly isn't bright enough in their view to have an intelligent thought). First it was Carl Rove as GWB's brain. Now that Rove is working for FNN and no longer lurking the halls of the White House to deliver GWB periodic Vulcan mindplants, the MSM is now dredging up the old and clearly discredited notion that the VP is running the county.

What absolute rubbish! What's worse is that it is used as an attempt to diminish and detract from the true moral failings of the Democratic leadership. Note that I am not saying that the Republicans can take the moral high ground on the sex issue. Witness Larry Craig. That being said one can only guess what would have happened had Edwards actually received the nomination or more interestingly what if this had this come out nine months ago. What affect would it have had on the primary season? Could Hilary be preparing her Denver acceptance speach? Things that make you want to go hmmmm.........

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