
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Joe Wilson Affair

Okay so it is deemed unseemly to call out that the President is lying when he speaks to congress. Well Joe Wilson's only mistake was that he picked the wrong moment. He objected to BHO's statement that his health care plan would not cover illegal aliens. Joe's call out was premature. It was based on the fact that the dems had killed amendments to the House bill that would have specifically denied such coverage. Joe over-reached because the bill was still a work in progress. As a result BHO could claim that the "final bill" - whatever that is - would meet the test of his statement without being disingenuous.

Joe's timing was off because as we have now learned that both the examples that BHO put forward as "problems" with our existing health care system and that demonized the private insurance industry turned out to be completely bogus flat out lies. Joe didn't know it, but his outburst was simply mistimed.

The fact is that BHO and his dem supporters have lied time and time again about what their plan will and will not do. Here's what it will do:
  • It will force younger people to buy health insurance whether they feel they need it or not.
  • It will bring 10's of millions of people into a system that is already overwhelmed from a supply side perspective.
  • It will cut payments to doctors and hospitals as a way to control cost further exacerbating the above problem.
  • It will at the end of the day force rationing of health care as that is the only proven way to control costs - as Britain, Canada and all other nations that have a single payer systems have learned.
  • It will tax those employees that have "gold plated" (e.g. unions) employer provided health care plans.
  • Remarkable as it may seem it will fine and - according the latest legislation being reviewed - imprison those that do not buy the government mandated insurance.
So far the only line in the sand defense seems to be in the Senate where the public option - touted by Pelosi, Reid and BHO - seems to be dead on arrival. Let's hope that the Senate can hold the line because the House bill will include that option and only the Senate stands in the way of ramming it down the American taxpayer's throat.

To top it all off Harry Reid - the leader of the Dems in the Senate - has exempted his own state from the federal mandate provisions of the health care bill. What a cynical and unforgivable move on his part. This guy is dying in the state polls and - we can only hope - will be out of office next term. He is trying to salvage his seat at the expense of all the other states that will now have to subsidize Nevada.

Isn't politics a joke?? How do these Bozo's get elected in the first place and why do we as the electorate keep returning them to do mischief?

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