
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Change? More like back to the future!

For a guy who campaigned hard on the theme of a fundamental change in the way Washington works, President Obama's cabinet choices are somewhat befuddling. Let's see now.... We have the Attorney General, the Chief of Staff, the head of the CIA and the ambassador to the UN all folks from the Clinton administration. Not to mention the new Secretary of State - Mrs. Clinton her very own self!! I guess in hindsight the Dems were happy with the way Washington works when they are in charge and only object to the process when the GOP is calling the shots. Things that make you want to go hmmmmm........

And how about those ethics? Lot's of role models there. Richardson had to bail out as Secretary of Commerce because of a conflict of interest regarding campaign contributions and municipal bond projects in New Mexico. Daschle just removed his name from consideration for HHS Secretary and Nancy Killefer from consideration as "Performance Czar" (whatever that is?) due to unreported taxes. Treasury Secretary Geithner squeezes by in spite of tax problems of his own. Then we have the whole congress giving a pass on Bubba's influence peddling to Saudi sheiks and other foreign interests while confirming his wife as secretary of state. Am I the only one that is appalled at the blatant hypocrisy of the Democratic party and the MSM which up till now has largely ignored these issues.

What's particularly galling is that it is the dems who are in the vanguard of raising taxes to fund their never ending list of pork barrel and social engineering initiatives. But it seems when it comes to paying taxes the old "What me Worry?" attitude that seems to be the operative mindset. How about that Charlie Rangel as another example of Dems who think only Republicans should pay taxes. Some wag suggested that we all invoke the Rangel Rule when we fail to pay our taxes.

The times may be a changin' though for the Obama extended honeymoon. At the press conference today Obama's press secretary Robert Gibbs was getting grilled on the litany of tax and other problems that team Obama's picks have run afoul of. His responses were revealing in that rather than helping to bring transparency to the process (I think that was another BHO campaign theme), he was stonewalling and refusing to admit that there was anything wrong with the vetting process. The press corps was getting restless. Is it possible that the anointed one's free pass from the MSM might be revoked sooner than we first thought? Perhaps.