
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Campaign Observations

As we enter the home stretch of the campaign I would like to share a few thoughts and observations.

I am amazed by the MSM (mainstream media) focus on what they describe as Sarah Palin's inexperience and unfitness for the VP office. By any objective measure as a successful and very popular mayor and state governor (of any size or population), she has demonstrated more executive talent and experience than Obama. I believe that what the MSM really means is that as an outsider to Washington and being relatively unknown to them makes her "inexperienced." Not how I would define it but that's the MSM view of the world.

Along the same lines I was amused and disappointed to hear Colin Powell - a man I greatly respect and honor for his service to our country - would use the selection of Palin as VP as the "reason" he is endorsing Obama. What nonsense. There are a host of policy reasons he could have cited but let's be honest. I think it is obvious that Powell desperately wanted to support Obama because he is black but he couldn't say that, and since he couldn't do so on policy grounds he picked what he believed was an easy target. A straw man endorsement for sure.

Obama remains to me and many others a complete cipher. He has no established record of any accomplishments at all. He talks a good game but hearkening back to another campaign slogan of a generation ago - "Where's the beef?" The most revealing event about his true position on where he would try to lead the country was his comment to the now infamous Joe the plumber. Obama is at his core a socialist and redistributionalist. This is the European model and explains why he is so popular across the pond.

In addition I just saw a chilling video wherein Obama himself details his plans for our nation's defence. What he proposes amounts to unilateral disarmament. Why would any of us trust this guy with the presidency?

As I have said in an earlier blog the real problem with an Obama presidency is that it is clear that both the House and Senate will be controlled by very large democrat majorities. Putting Obama, Reid and Pelosi in series will result in the most left wing troika this country has ever seen. If this happens stand by and watch your wallets.